Thank you for visiting Pioneer Bible Church’s website. By navigating through this site, we hope you have learned enough about us to want to join us at our Sunday morning worship service at 10 am. We have a casual atmosphere, and you are encouraged to “come as you are” to our little country church. It is our desire to offer a warm and friendly welcome to all who come through our doors.

If you have specific questions about us, please call our church office at (530) 620-4859.

Pioneer Bible Church would like to pray for you!
We have an e-mail prayer chain for prayer requests and also have an open prayer time during our Sunday services. If you are having family struggles, out of work, financial issues or medical issues or unspoken requests, we are here to support you in prayer. Contact the church office for more information.

Sign Up for Our Emails

Truth Trackers Registration

9:00am Sunday School
10:00am Worship Service
10:30am Children’s Church



Office Hours
The office is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 9-noon.

Church Address

Church Location:
6851 Mt. Aukum Road, Somerset, CA 95684

Mailing Address:
PO Box 36, Somerset, CA 95684

Phone: (530) 620-4859


Make a Contribution to PBC via Paypal, ATM or Credit card

Ladies Event Coordinators Wanted